
LiveC is a live channels index. Today, there's always something to watch, but everything's pretty much "defined". We know what contents we like to watch, and most of the times where to find them. LiveC offers a whole lot of contents that you might didn't even know that exist.

The idea of LiveC initially started about a friend of mine who told me few times she's suffering from a bad case of insomnia. I'm no expert about insomnia and how to solve it - but I do like to try and help the people I care about so I decided to try and look some soothing music for her that might help her sleep.

I found a lot of contents on YouTube, until I found out that the contents I wanted was also available live. At first I thought to myself to offer soothing music only, but the more I looked, I found myself listening to different kinds of music I didn't hear before, and watching famous places like Tokyo's Shibuya Crossing (also known as the busiest crosswalk in the world), and phenomenons like the northern lights. I even found myself watching Mecca!

With such a variety of live contents - I figured out that expanding the original idea can make even more people enjoy some of the contents like I did. And so I decided to add categories with different topics to this website.

Almost every website I create and manage is personal to me. I put a lot of considerations, efforts, thinking and creativity in the process - and I try to keep things as easy and smooth as possible. If you have an issue or any question about this website, you can always contact me.
